Definitions for the word "drive" from multiple English dictionaries.
1. v.
(-ving; past drove; past part. Driven) 1 urge forward, esp. Forcibly. 2 a compel (was driven to complain). B force into a specified state (drove him mad). C (often refl.) Urge to overwork. 3 a operate and direct (a vehicle, locomotive, etc.). B convey or be conveyed in a vehicle. C be competent to drive (a vehicle) (does he drive?). D travel in a private vehicle. 4 (of wind etc.) Carry along, propel, esp. Rapidly (driven snow; driving rain). 5 a (often foll. By into) force (a stake, nail, etc.) Into place by blows. B bore (a tunnel etc.). 6 effect or conclude forcibly (drove a hard bargain; drove his point home). 7 (of power) operate (machinery). 8 (usu. Foll. By at) work hard; dash, rush. 9 hit (a ball) forcibly. n. 1 journey or excursion in a vehicle. 2 a (esp. Scenic) street or road. B private road through a garden to a house. 3 a motivation and energy. B inner urge (sex-drive). 4 forcible stroke of a bat etc. 5 organized effort (membership drive). 6 a transmission of power to machinery, wheels, etc. B position of the steering-wheel in a vehicle (left-hand drive). C computing = *disk drive. 7 organized whist, bingo, etc. Competition. drive at seek, intend, or mean (what is he driving at?). [old english]
Source: Oxford English Dictionary, 1884
2. slang
a term used by tradesmen in speaking of business; “he’s DRIVING
a roaring trade,” _i.e._, a very good one; hence, to succeed in a
bargain, “I DROVE a good bargain,” _i.e._, got the best end of it. To
“LET DRIVE at one,” to strike out. A man snoring hard is said to be
“DRIVING his pigs to market.”
Source: The Slang Dictionary, 1864
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This page provides a list of definitions and meanings for "drive" from various historical English dictionaries. By displaying multiple definitions, you can compare and
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