"billy" Definition

Definitions for the word "billy" from multiple English dictionaries.

1. n.
(pl. -ies) (in full billycan) austral. Tin or enamel outdoor cooking-pot. [perhaps from aboriginal billa water]
Source: Oxford English Dictionary, 1884
2. n.
(pl. -ies) (in full billy-goat) male goat. [from the name billy]
Source: Oxford English Dictionary, 1884
3. slang
a silk pocket-handkerchief.—_Scotch._—_See_ WIPE. ⁂ A list of slang terms descriptive of the various patterns of handkerchiefs, pocket and neck, is here subjoined:— BELCHER, darkish blue ground, large round white spots, with a spot in the centre of darker blue than the ground. This was adopted by Jem Belcher, the pugilist, as his “colours,” and soon became popular amongst “the fancy.” BIRD’S-EYE WIPE, a handkerchief of any colour, containing white spots. The blue bird’s-eye is similar to the Belcher except in the centre. Sometimes a BIRD’S-EYE WIPE has a white ground and blue spots. BLOOD-RED FANCY, red. BLUE BILLY, blue ground, generally with white figures. CREAM FANCY, any pattern on a white ground. KING’S MAN, yellow pattern on a green ground. RANDAL’S MAN, green, with white spots; named after the favourite colours of Jack Randal, pugilist. WATER’S MAN, sky coloured. YELLOW FANCY, yellow, with white spots. YELLOW MAN, all yellow.
Source: The Slang Dictionary, 1864
4. slang
a policeman’s staff. Also stolen metal of any kind. BILLY-HUNTING is buying old metal. A BILLY-FENCER is a marine-store dealer.
Source: The Slang Dictionary, 1864

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Additional Info
This page provides a list of definitions and meanings for "billy" from various historical English dictionaries. By displaying multiple definitions, you can compare and contrast different meanings and nuances of a word, phrase, or slang. You can also see the changes in meaning of "billy" over time by viewing the definitions from different dictionaries published at different times in history. The page also includes other information to help users expand their vocabulary and understand the context of the word.

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The definitions for words, phrases and slang (such as "billy") in this dictionary are sourced from multiple sources - including sources historical in nature. The sources may contain outdated, inaccurate or even offensive information when viewed from a modern context. It is important to consider the date the dictionary was published and view such content from a historical perspective and consider that the meanings, interpretations and usage of words may have evolved over time. Users should cross-reference this information with contemporary sources for a more complete understanding.

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