Definitions for the word "high" from multiple English dictionaries.
1. v. i.
To hie.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
2. superl.
Elevated above any starting point of measurement, as a line, or surface; having altitude; lifted up; raised or extended in the direction of the zenith; lofty; tall; as, a high mountain, tower, tree; the sun is high.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
3. superl.
Regarded as raised up or elevated; distinguished; remarkable; conspicuous; superior; -- used indefinitely or relatively, and often in figurative senses, which are understood from the connection
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
4. superl.
Elevated in character or quality, whether moral or intellectual; preeminent; honorable; as, high aims, or motives.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
5. superl.
Exalted in social standing or general estimation, or in rank, reputation, office, and the like; dignified; as, she was welcomed in the highest circles.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
6. superl.
Of noble birth; illustrious; as, of high family.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
7. superl.
Of great strength, force, importance, and the like; strong; mighty; powerful; violent; sometimes, triumphant; victorious; majestic, etc.; as, a high wind; high passions.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
8. superl.
Very abstract; difficult to comprehend or surmount; grand; noble.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
9. superl.
Costly; dear in price; extravagant; as, to hold goods at a high price.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
10. superl.
Arrogant; lofty; boastful; proud; ostentatious; -- used in a bad sense.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
11. superl.
Possessing a characteristic quality in a supreme or superior degree; as, high (i. e., intense) heat; high (i. e., full or quite) noon; high (i. e., rich or spicy) seasoning; high (i. e., complete) pleasure; high (i. e., deep or vivid) color; high (i. e., extensive, thorough) scholarship, etc.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
12. superl.
Strong-scented; slightly tainted; as, epicures do not cook game before it is high.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
13. superl.
Acute or sharp; -- opposed to grave or low; as, a high note.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
14. superl.
Made with a high position of some part of the tongue in relation to the palate, as / (/ve), / (f/d). See Guide to Pronunciation, // 10, 11.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
15. adv.
In a high manner; in a high place; to a great altitude; to a great degree; largely; in a superior manner; eminently; powerfully.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
16. n.
An elevated place; a superior region; a height; the sky; heaven.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
17. n.
People of rank or high station; as, high and low.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
18. n.
The highest card dealt or drawn.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
19. v. i.
To rise; as, the sun higheth.
Source: The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary, 1913
20. adj.
1 a of great vertical extent (high building). B (predic.; often in comb.) Of a specified height (one inch high; waist-high). 2 a far above ground or sea level etc. (high altitude). B inland, esp. When raised (high asia). 3 extending above the normal level (jersey with a high neck). 4 a of exalted quality (high minds). B lavish; superior (high living; high fashion). 5 of exalted rank (high society; is high in the government). 6 a great; intense; extreme; powerful (high praise; high temperature). B greater than normal (high prices). C extreme or very traditional in religious or political opinion (high tory). 7 performed at, to, or from a considerable height (high diving; high flying). 8 (often foll. By on) colloq. Intoxicated by alcohol or esp. Drugs. 9 (of a sound etc.) Of high frequency; shrill. 10 (of a period, age, time, etc.) At its peak (high noon; high summer; high renaissance). 11 a (of meat etc.) Beginning to go bad; off. B (of game) well-hung and slightly decomposed. n. 1 high, or the highest, level or figure. 2 area of high pressure; anticyclone. 3 slang euphoric state, esp. Drug-induced (am on a high). adv. 1 far up; aloft (flew the flag high). 2 in or to a high degree. 3 at a high price. 4 (of a sound) at or to a high pitch. high opinion of favourable opinion of. On high in or to heaven or a high place. On one''s high horse colloq. Acting arrogantly. [old english]
Source: Oxford English Dictionary, 1884
21. adj.
1 a of great vertical extent (high building). B (predic.; often in comb.) Of a specified height (one inch high; waist-high). 2 a far above ground or sea level etc. (high altitude). B inland, esp. When raised (high asia).
Source: Oxford English Dictionary, 1884
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