"stack" Definition

Definitions for the word "stack" from multiple English dictionaries.

1. n.
1 (esp. Orderly) pile or heap. 2 = *haystack. 3 colloq. Large quantity (a stack of work; stacks of money). 4 a = *chimney-stack. B = *smokestack. C tall factory chimney. 5 stacked group of aircraft. 6 part of a library where books are compactly stored. 7 high detached rock, esp. Off the coast of scotland. v. 1 pile in a stack or stacks. 2 a arrange (cards) secretly for cheating. B manipulate (circumstances etc.) To suit one. 3 cause (aircraft) to fly in circles while waiting to land. [old norse]
Source: Oxford English Dictionary, 1884

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This page provides a list of definitions and meanings for "stack" from various historical English dictionaries. By displaying multiple definitions, you can compare and contrast different meanings and nuances of a word, phrase, or slang. You can also see the changes in meaning of "stack" over time by viewing the definitions from different dictionaries published at different times in history. The page also includes other information to help users expand their vocabulary and understand the context of the word.

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